MDUMC Matters is a collection of stories and reports that share how MDUMC is living out its mission to "make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." We hope you’ll be inspired by the work God is doing in and through this church community. Watch the entire MDUMC Matters compilation below.


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
— john 13:34-35


We want to know you! Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Join the church - Are you ready to become a member? Contact to take the next step in calling MDUMC your church home.

  2. Give faithfully - With your help, we can continue to show up for others. Visit to set up regularly scheduled giving.

  3. Serve joyfully - This April, we invite you to join together in our church-wide initiative to serve our local community. Visit to sign up today.

  4. Celebrate together - Join us for one of our six Easter services on Sunday, March 31. Visit to find all of our Holy Week & Easter events, service times, and more!


Below are excerpts from the MDUMC Matters compilation.

God at work

Hear how God is moving in the lives of MDUMC members and beyond.

Hear how Common Thread is spreading joy in places where it’s needed most. (4:55)

Camp Hope makes a real difference in their community, hear how MDUMC helps them show up for others. (4:42)


Committee reports

Hear from each of our committees about exciting updates within the life of the church!

Board of Trustees